Article from Journal of African Earth Sciences
This article is about studies realised at Lake Monoun, in Cameroon after a gas explosion in 1984. The author highlights the fact that the used of an acoustic equipment called the Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) provides a better resolution of the lakebed, produces an accurate hypsographic curve and hence, shows a revised estimate of gas volume in the lake.In 2014, a bathymetry survey of Lake Monoun was carried out from October 31 to November 04 by #Hydroconsult team.
The equipment system used for this project was assembled, installed on rubber boat and configurated by Hydroconsult. Bathymetric contours were drawn using the HYPACK bathymetric software.
Near two weeks training assured by Hydroconsult needed for an international team especially gathered for this project in order to realise data collection, processing and data presentation.
14 hours of survey were necessary to cover 34km of surveyed lines, 216756 multi-beam pings were sent and 55 489 536 multi-beam points were recorded.,XIvbbR-4