About Us
HYDROCONSULT is a worldwide recognized actor in Hydrographic & Geophysical activities and Consulting with 18 years’ experience.
Our clients, green energy developers, civil engineering, port authorities, contractors in the oil and gas sector and many others rely on us with satisfaction and loyalty.
We provide our highly qualified employees, all under French permanent contract (CDI), that assure our collective performance. Hydroconsult employees more than 30 personnel having a solid academic background and regular in-service training. We aim to be safety irreproachable, all personnel have its safety certification a-date, which enable us to keep a scientific rigor.
Our work team is composed of different profiles: including party chief, senior surveyor engineer, senior geophysicist, data processor, on-line surveyor, which permits a great adaptability and the best solution for customer enquiries.
At Hydroconsult, we offer comprehensive solutions, actively participating in every step of your project: technical consulting, equipment installation and calibration, navigation, positioning, data acquisition, processing, chart editing and reporting.
The availability and responsiveness of our project managers, dedicated to your projects unsure background work, close follow-up and comprehensive technical support from the inception to the successful completion of your project.
Technical support in French and English is available daily from 08:00 to 20:00.
Our projects
Since 2006, Hydroconsult has participated in various Geophysical Surveys and collaborated with Construction Companies on major project worldwide.
Details can be highlighted through the interactive map.